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Editable sign in screens for the Chromebook

Since you cannot take a screenshot on the Chromebook until you are signed in, it is difficult to get a good screenshot of the sign in screens. A few years back, I created some sign in screens so I could use them to create custom Chromebook sign in documents and presentations.

Google has given the Chromebook sign in screens a fresh look, so I have created new screens that match the new look.

The screens are:

  • enter email
  • enter password
  • show password
  • failed email example (with CAPTCHA)
  • first time users (Accept Terms of Service)

They were all created with the drawing tools in Google Apps so you can edit the text to display your school’s domain.

See them all here.

Also, my old screens are still useful since they are the screens for signing in to the chrome browser. I have updated them to reflect the change.